Tune in

Every now and then stop and tune in to what is happening around you, be conscious of your place.

How does what you are doing [or not doing] relate to everybody else around you? What impact are you making to the space you occupy?

In taking the time and making a deliberate effort to concentrate on tuning in you will be blown away by a world that exists that may have at other times seemed quite common and mundane when in fact the world YOU live in is beaming with excitement and amazement. People are living and breathing and dealing with their own existence. Stop and appreciate. Stop and empathise. How are you feeling? How is that person feeling?

Why should we care about tuning in to people’s lives as it relates to ours? The environment I am occupying would exist independent of my occupying it, and so why should I care? I don’t really see it as something to care about necessarily but rather something we should know about; something we should at the very least acknowledge.

So today I’m going to tune in to my surroundings more so than yesterday. I am going to appreciate the fact that a fellow human being has made my commute possible, either by building it or designing it or protecting it or driving it or laying it. I am going to tune in to how my existence in time and my occupation in space affects those around me.

Try it. Tune in.