
Ask a Toddler - Mastering

Getting to know something like the back of your hand takes time, dedication, commitment and above all sacrifice. To master an art is to choose this art over all others.

Most fall into vocations that fill a void that sustains an existence. Others consciously decide to master an art and sacrifice all else to be the best. It is only after a self-aware free thinking individual decides to take on an art and master it is it possible to make a sacrifice worthy of greatness.

If only it was that easy. We’re all so distracted with so much that it feels like sacrificing just a little of our creature comforts could make our world come crushing down.

The opposite is true. A sacrifice of irrelevant or redundant things in our lives can lead to adopting a path towards mastering something that is challenging and rewarding. An art worthy of our pursuits. In letting go of those things that matter no free up the most valuable asset that exists: time.

Our time is finite and every minute occupied with sustaining an existence is one minute less left to mastering an art.