This is water

There are so many people going places; doing things; always in each other’s way all at the same time. Everyone is in a rush operating in some sort of vacuum, oblivious to their surrounds. If only people recognised that we’re all in it together in this finite space, more often than not going about our business that’s interrelated.

I commute to work most days on a bicycle. Part of my journey is shared with other bicycles and with other vehicles i.e. cars and trucks. Everyday I am astounded by the level of idiocy and oblivion that exists both in bicyclists and drivers. They’re in such a rush to get to the next stop sign or red light that the world around them must just disappear, like some sort of gauntlet blur tunnel vision thing. I don’t know.

What I do know is that if people just listened to this speech titled This is Water by David Foster Wallace, the world would be a better place.