Nothing is for free. Nothing.

Ask a Toddler - Freedom

Sign-up for a free trial, no strings attached. Get free access to all the music you like, whenever you like. Search for anything on the internet and find what you’re looking; free. Really? How is this sustainable? Where’s the catch? Who’s actually paying for the stuff I use for free? Maybe that’s just the way the internet works, I mean after all, it’s supposed to be shared, distributed and freely available.

That’s it. Just because it’s freely available, it doesn’t make it free. You don’t pay to consume the advertisement in the subway. You don’t pay to read free press. You don’t pay to search for anything on the internet. You don’t pay to listen to a random selection of millions of music tracks. Although you may not be parting with your hard earned, there is an exchange of value. In legal speak, that may constitute a contract. You’re exchanging your time, attention and a little bit about yourself.

It’s fascinating to think that we enter into these exchanges without even deciding we want in. It has become the norm. It’s a one way street. You can’t escape it. You’ve already signed the contract whether you like it or not. What does that mean? Probably nothing. You decide. Are you willing to bargain for your time (arguably the most valuable asset we have)? Are you up for recognising the real value of distraction and the opportunity cost that represents?

What are you going to do about your freedom? Exchange it for something?