
Ask a Toddler - Reflections

Sometimes we should stop and reflect on our past…not for too long though…harping on the past helps no one.

But there is one thing we should never forget and that is that history repeats itself. It’s inevitable. No matter how hard we try, how meticulous we are of noting our past mistakes and promising to change and never repeat our misguided inexperienced indiscretions, we tend to make the same mistakes.

Why is that? I’m not sure. Let me know if you do. I suspect it has something to do with human nature. Is it because there’s something familiar about known consequences…regardless of how destructive they might be? As if to say to ourselves, ‘I know this will hurt others and potentially end a meaningful relationship but here it goes anyway…’ or ‘I know this won’t work but I’m going to try again…’

They say that an idiot is someone who does the same thing over and expects a different outcome. Are we all idiots then? I don’t think we are [although there are plenty of idiots out there]…but maybe all we need to do is reflect on our past a little more which may help us avoid the inevitable.