Lights are on…

Ask a Toddler - Lights are on

…but nobody’s home. I’m founding that more and more. We all seem so distracted with other things…who knows what…but there are so many absent looking people it’s actually a bit scary.

There are so many things to keep a track of in our lives now there doesn’t seem like there is any time to get to know anything or anyone in depth. We’re living in a world of headlines…one liners…tweets…posts etc

The way I like to deal with distractions is to time block. There’s plenty written about time blocking but as a quick summary its basically saying to yourself ‘OK for the next half hour I’m going to do [dot dot dot] and nothing else. I’m not going to check my email or answer the phone or check any status updates…I can do that stuff in half an hours time’. I find its an excellent technique to get stuck into the detail of something…without any distractions. It also helps with getting things done and learning something, well.

Get things done and become engaged with people and content again…in depth. Turn the lights on!