A picture tells a thousand words

Ask a Toddler

Taking pictures comes naturally to me…writing is a little more difficult…as you’ve probably noticed.

Assessing the light, picking the mid-tone and exposing to capture the intended mood is something that happens in my head in an instant. Granted it took me years to develop this skill but now its something that comes as second nature. The photo above was taken in a dark bathroom in a mirror with the faintest of light emanating from a street light coming through a small window…I had to keep still to pull this one off…with my Fujifilm X1oo set to manual and the iso bumped a little helped me capture me taking a photo of my camera and hand!

I could go on to explain what was happening that night, why I was out, where I was, why I felt like taking that particular photo and what the thought process was in exposing for an outline of my camera and hand. I won’t because it’ll take me about a thousand words…and the words is what I lack. I’m working on it though.

In the meantime the picture will have to tell the story. You can fill in the gaps with your imagination save to say this photo has captured a moment in time and space that was and will be because of the existence of the picture itself and nothing else.