Healthy body healthy mind

Ask a Toddler - Health Body Healthy Mind

They’ve found now that the bacteria in our mouths and stomachs can effect our anxiety and depression levels. Yes, bacteria. Interestingly, this same bacteria is fundamentally different in make-up than our ancestors, believed to be because of our diet.

They also know that the bacteria that attaches itself to our skin during birth as we pass through the birth canal and also that bacteria found in breast milk significantly reduces the likelihood of all sorts of health issues later in life. Its no secret anymore that many of the ‘modern diseases’ we suffer are due to changes in patterns of our diet and lifestyles.

The old saying of ‘healthy body healthy mind’ rings so much truer now than ever. Processed, preservative rich foods with high concentrations of sugar are only a new introduction into the human diet and they’re taking their toll on our bodies and minds.

What goes in must come out and it doesn’t always end up coming out the back end. The junk we put in our mouths could manifest itself as sickness, disease, depression and anxiety.

Look after the vehicle that houses your brain and if its time for a tune up get one because there are no trade-ins on this model. Look after your body, look after your mind, they’re inextricably linked.