Special days

Ask a Toddler - Special Days

Generally speaking when we think of special days we’re talking about birthdays, anniversaries, name days and other personal milestone days on our calendars.

There are no shortage of special days to commemorate mothers and fathers day and important religious events. People write about remembering special days and how to enjoy them by suggesting suitable things to do and buy. We look forward to these special days and make a point of doing something special right? All these days are arbitrary. They exist because we choose to allocate some significance to them but they’re nothing else than a particular day on our calendars. There isn’t anything wrong with setting aside a day to remember and commemorate…its healthy and respectful.

What if everyday was a special day though? What if everyday was worth remembering and celebrating?

Everyday is a special day! Special because we remain cognisant of our own existence; capable of making choices of our own free will. Healthy enough to do what we want, when we want and to enjoy the company of others. If on any given day we are able to experience these things; to breathe, to be alive; it is a special day, regardless of the date on the calendar.