Everybody is a genius

Ask a Toddler - Einstein Genius

Albert Einstein was a genius. There is no question about that. According to Einstein we are all geniuses. Can that be the case? Are we being judged against the wrong criteria?

Formal institutionalised education imposes a set of rules that tests our ability to regurgitate information that we are told are facts. What if we don’t accept the information as fact? What if we’re not very good at regurgitating? What if we have trouble following rules that are only in place to suppress our creativity, our genius? What if we don’t blindly accept authority? What if we’re night owls and the 9 to 5 assembly line rhythm doesn’t work for us? What if our approach to knowledge gathering involves critical thought?

I agree absolutely with Einstein. The truth is, we are all geniuses. The problem is we are always and constantly judged against criteria designed to curb our genius. Criteria such as our social status, our salaries, our belongings, our ability to conform, the skills required by the system rather than what we’re actually good at.

Free yourself, walk away, open your eyes, stay healthy, look out for twisted truths, pan metron ariston and be the genius that you are.