Shapes around

Ask a Toddler - Shapes Around

Photography taught me to look at the world in a completely different way.

When you study the art of photography (not on a formal basis by doing a course or anything like that) you learn light, time, space, composition and techniques along with the use of the equipment (among many other things).

A small project I worked on was called Shapes Around. You’ll see a few of the photos posted on Ask a Toddler from time to time like the one above. The idea behind the project was to explore familiar shapes that exist all around us that we take for granted, that we don’t notice, that are just there but fill a void that would otherwise be obvious. Here are the words that accompanied my portfolio:

Something that is absolute, is not so because it resembles something else, but because it is true as an image of itself. A representation of nothing but the shape it occupies in time and space. The following photographs explore the shapes that are everywhere, everyday, all the time…shapes that provide us with the familiarities that allow us to continue unhindered in our own existence. A vital message it sends to those who witness the Shapes Around.