People watching

Ask a Toddler - People watching

People are amazing, they’re unpredictable. Not one person is the same. We are all different; both in appearance and in the way we think.

Stopping to observe people on the street, at work, interacting with others, seeing what people do when they are alone is such a wondrous past time. Spending some time watching our fellow human beings can be such a learning experience also. You get a brief snapshot of a person’s life…you know nothing of the past, and you’ll probably never see them again. Yet, in those brief fleeting moments when people watching, you know exactly who and where they are and what they are doing.

It’s often difficult to reserve judgement and leave our prejudices behind, but I find that taking the time to observe objectively empowers me to stop and think about who I am and the prejudices that I have.

There are  few certainties we share in life, one of which is that we will all die. Most of us will grow old first. Some die young. We share this planet, finite space, we share an existence along the continuum of time. We are all in it together.

Why don’t we stop and take the time every now and then and observe others…we may even observe things in ourselves we never knew.