Getting a straight answer

Ask a Toddler - Question

I’m finding that the pool of people you can rely on for getting a straight-up honest answer is shrinking. I’m not exactly sure why but it must have something to do with a lower level of self confidence, maybe a pursuit towards political correctness and perhaps a touch of paranoia…this is all from the perspective of the person who’s tasked to answer a question right? Well not always…

It would seem pretty straight forward…ask a question and get an answer…but we’re a complex species. Often the question itself has its own inbuilt nuances of shiftiness. We bring our own experiences and prejudices to the table every time we interact with our fellow human beings and make a decision about what to ask or how to answer.

What skews the dialogue and distorts the message is probably a combination of nurture vs nature factors…our lack of self confidence, avoiding having an opinion and a level of paranoia – nurture. It’s safer and easier to follow the trend – nature.