Flying by

Ask a Toddler - Time Flies

Have you noticed that time has been flying lately? It’s an interesting concept because we all now that there are sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour and twenty fours [or thereabouts] in a day…

And even so, lately time has been flying. Have you ever wandered why? I have, and I think it’s because we have so much going on all at the same time. You can’t escape it. We’re talking to each other while texting our friends, tweeting about trends, watching the latest episode of Love My Way all the while ‘maintaining’ a relationship with our families. We have managed to adapt to an ever increasing pace of an all consuming existence in less than a generation. We’re able to consume headlines like never before; compute so called information at an increasing pace and manage to do everything else all at once.

The consequences are two-fold: we’re forever distracted and never focused. So you’ll probably continue to experience time flying and it may be inescapable but occasionally try to take some time out. See if you can stop time flying by.