Keeping it together

Ask a Toddler - Keeping it together

There are some people who juggle a lot with ease, others juggle a lot and struggle, some can’t juggle at all. What I find remarkable are people who seem to fit 48 hours of things they need to do in a day. They go go go…

The only way it’s possible [at least this is what I figure] is they have  a system of organisation and allocation. There’s what I need to do now that cannot wait for anything else and then there’s everything else…I’ll do it later…this doesn’t need my attention until tomorrow.

Either way I’m pretty sure there are lists involved. Writing everything down helps with knowing what’s on your plate and how to handle what and when. Its system of lists that is agile enough to work with any type of task and situation.

It’s a system of keeping it all together, organised in a cascading list of things to hook in and complete.