
 Ask a Toddler - Responsibility

We have an insatiable want to own things, whether it be an item or a situation, we want to know we’re in control, that we’re completely responsible for it and that no one else has as much control as we do. With owning and controlling comes responsibility though, whether we know it or not.

I wonder whether our thirst for responsibility depends on what it is. I suppose sometimes we don’t want to own that stuff-up at work, or the responsibility for caring for the most vulnerable, be it kids or the elderly, or to own a debt. But even when we are the only responsible ones, we often don’t consider it so and try and defer or escape the onus.

Take for example our own lives. Often we think we’re not in control and that we can’t affect change in our lives; ‘no matter what I do I was destined to be so’.

If it is true that we love to have sole responsibility and control over things, lets us first look inward and know that we are solely responsible for our lives and own our destiny. Then we can begin to be responsible for others.