Φασούλι φασούλι

‘Φασούλι φασούλι γεμίζει το σάκούλι’ – and in English: ‘fasouly fasouly yemizy to sakouly‘ translated from Greek means ‘bean by bean fills the sack’. Growing up I remember hearing this phrase bandied around quite often both in relation to…

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Illusion of choice

We are constantly faced with decisions, hundreds of times a day. What to eat, what to wear, how to travel, who to speak to, what to say, how to say it etc etc. Choices. Decisions.…

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Keeping track

There’s Jawbone’s Up, 23andMe, Xero, Fitbit, Do It! Geotags, CloudOn, CheckMark, MakeMe and a million other gadgets and apps designed to help us keep track of our own lives. Everything under the sun is covered…genetic…

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Building bridges

We’ve all experienced a traumatic event or stuffed up majorly. Sometimes these incidents are a little worse than others but we’re all still here, sanity intact and physically able to [at least] get to Ask…

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